The Chook's Revenge!
Will catch the fox that you cannot. Fully Assembled and Ready to Use
The Pederick Fox Trap is fully assembled and ready for use.
RSPCA approved.
Manufactured from 5mm galvanised weld mesh, the Pederick Fox Trap will retain the most active fox without harming it.
Has a proven track record.
You will be surprised what you catch unharmed!
Light and strong, can be moved around the farm easily.
Has six sides so nothing can dig its way out, opening sizes of mesh is 70mm x 45mm.
It is almost indestructible, the first trap is 15 years old and still in operation.
Capture rate is around 8 captures to 10 baits.
Simple to bait, a top pinned opening door, with a simple quick fit chain to connect bait.
Best bait is fox's natural food, eg. dead birds, rabbits, chooks etc.
Caution! If you catch a wild cat, do not get too close as they have a nasty nature as you will see.
Most Landcare groups and the Zoo use these traps.
For current pricing don't hesitate to contact us today !

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